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My Controls that came with my KR2, were a very poor design. I got a set of Control plans from a mate with a complete KR2, and mate a new set of sh Rod Controls which have been approved by the Australian Dept, CASA.

The controls were very flexable and poor design. They had a solid rod torsion bar that went from the centre stick to the right fuse side, then back through the rear spar, then back via a solid rod bar to the centre again, then a small aluinium pushrod. Yuck!!!!!

See photos below

Front Section of NEW Control

UP Dating

Left: Here is the Conrtol stick and push rod to rear spar

This control unit was designed in Australia and certified by CASA as an approved mod. The unit is flying in a number of KR 2's

Right: My slightly modified aileron bellcrank, with push rod control appached.


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Right Aileron


My elevator counter balance, Thank you Mark Langford