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Aussie KR Builders Group Photo's

Aussie builders Photo's of flying and building Kr2 and projects. CLICK TO ENLARGE PHOTO
Still have heaps of photo's to add when I get time.

Allen Buzza VH DUB

Ken Warlands FOR SALE call 07 32613028

Garry Morgan Joey 2

Robb Glenn VH KRP

Peter Gilbertson KR2

Peter Gilbertson BD5-B 160 kt cruise

Don Laverick and KR2s 19-4271

Don's jabiru 2200

Don's Jabiru cooling ducts

Don's engine

Colin Treloar Aero Mirage TC2

Albert Cassar Melb. KR with Jodel type wings

Wayne Bone: KR2s with 14 inches rear and 2 inched front added

Wade Barron & his KR2s Fuse

John Martindale first Aussie Corvair KR2

Don Laverick's round gear legs and cheap

Don Gear legs

This is the front view of the axle attach bracket.The axle is 1 inch OD chrome molly tube threaded into the 3/8 plate and has a half nut on the back of the bracket,

This is looking at the end of the axle and shows the bracket holding the brake caliper, which is from a Thump mini bike.

This is looking from the inside and shows the brake disc which is a Jabiru steel, Note, Not stainless steel which I tried and wore the rake pads out in about six landings. The plain steel disc is fine and the brake pads have lasted some 50 landings and still going strong.

Albert Cassar Jodel -KR2 Bent Spar

Albert's KR2S - Jodel Bent Wing..??? Ready to fly

Albert's KR2S-Jodel Complete Waiting for paper work and test flying.

Near Silverton, CO

Albert's KR2-Jodel Aileron bracket

Albert's KR2s Spars and WAF'S

KR2SS for sale $27,000 ONO Kevin Pettitt

KR2SS for sale $27,000 ONO Kevin Pettitt

Hi Phil Here's my solution to the brake pad bind. Works well. I was a bit worried that the spring might deflect the piston in the cylinder and cause the o-ring to unseat but no problems so far and the pad retracts beautifully. Blue stuff is rubber greas Regards John.
