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Engine and Oil Cooling Page

Engine Purchased from VW Engines Aust

Type 4 VW case. with Aluminum Barrels, Chevy pistons, Geared Drive , Twin Stromberg Carbs. 100hp , 200 ft lbs torque

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LEFT: Engine Installed, and all item connected. Updated 23 Dec 06


RIGHT: EFI Engine version, Contact VW Engines for info


Above: Engine Cowl with three air inlets to feed oil cooler and cabin heat.I have the ability to remove the Cabin heat inlet and put it on the oil cooler in hot weather conditions


Above: Carb heat box, Modified Aircraft Spruce kits
ABOVE: Oil Cooler mounted under the rear of Engine, with Scat ducts
ABOVE: Oil Cooler photo from under the engine. showing 3 inlets.
Another picture from Southern Utah and Colorado