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KR Folding Wing Design

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I went to the Australian Air Show and noticed this foulding wing desogn on a partly bult Aussie design aircraft.

The TP-S uses the same set up as the KR for it's WAF's and Spars.

WAF's are the same design as the KR2

Ply blocks and bushes are glued or bolted to the ribs.

The tube is attached to the wing. The tube can rotate or slide. So when the Wing bolts are removed, the wing can be putted away fron the WAF then rotated into a folded position.

Better view of mount blocks & bushes

Note the heavy ply ribs.????

Here you can see the laminated main spar and and WAF.

You will notice at the top of the photsan dmetal bush, this is a spacer under the locking lug

This shows the wing bracket mounting block

You can see the 4130 tube and bracket